
Member of Frankston saves man after plane crash

Paul Edbrooke, the Member for Frankston in Victoria, has emerged as a hero, displaying incredible bravery and lifesaving skills just days after surviving a harrowing plane crash. Edbrooke was a passenger on a skydiving plane carrying 16 others when it encountered engine trouble at an altitude of 600 feet over Barwon Heads last Friday. Thanks to the pilot’s remarkable skills, the aircraft made a safe emergency landing in a field, and miraculously, all the occupants emerged with only minor injuries. Edbrooke’s heroic actions didn’t stop there. He had a remarkable tool at his disposal, the Good Samaritan App, which promptly notifies individuals capable of providing CPR in emergency situations within their proximity. And just two minutes away, a man in his 60s was seriously unwell and waiting after bystanders called 000. He was in the midst of a cardiac arrest, having lost his pulse and wasn’t breathing. Edbrooke quickly sprang into action, initiating CPR. Astonishingly, after just about a minute of life-saving efforts, the man began breathing once again. Paul Edbrooke, who had previously served as a firefighter for 14 years, reflected on the extraordinary turn of events, noting that such a life-affirming outcome was a rarity even during his extensive firefighting career. His quick thinking and the Good Samaritan App played crucial roles in saving a fellow human being’s life, adding another incredible chapter to his remarkable story. Source: 9now

Defibrillators placed in all of London’s stations

Defibrillators have been strategically placed at various locations within London’s extensive transportation network. A collaborative effort involving City Hall, the London Ambulance Service (LAS), and Transport for London (TfL) has successfully implemented this vital addition across all Underground and Overground stations, as well as most bus stations and piers. In tandem with this deployment, a training video has been introduced to instruct individuals on administering chest compressions and effectively utilizing a defibrillator. Notably, the LAS responded to nearly 13,000 cardiac arrests in the capital city last year. London Mayor Sadiq Khan emphasized the significance of timely intervention in cardiac emergencies, stating, “For every minute that goes by without life-saving intervention like CPR and defibrillation, the chances of a person surviving cardiac arrest decrease by 10%. It’s important that Londoners not only have the kit but the skills to step in and assist when someone is having a cardiac arrest, which is why I’m proud that we have launched a short training video, which demonstrates how to perform chest compressions and use a defibrillator. This rollout and education drive will ensure people traveling in our city feel safe and confident that they will be helped in the case of an emergency.” These strategically placed defibrillators now span all of London’s boroughs, accessible to the public in the event of a cardiac arrest. Additionally, a heart-shaped QR code can be found on each defibrillator within the TfL network, granting access to the informative training video. The video draws on techniques from LAS’s London Lifesavers training, enabling individuals to gain essential lifesaving knowledge. The LAS is also encouraging the public to engage with its London Lifesavers initiative, empowering them with the skills necessary to respond when someone experiences a cardiac arrest. Daniel Elkeles, the chief executive of LAS, emphasized the potential impact of learning these skills, saying, “With additional defibs across the capital from today, learning these skills could be the difference between life and death.” In a proactive measure, the LAS has launched its London Lifesavers campaign within schools, starting with Year 8 students. Over 200 students from six schools will receive training in CPR techniques and defibrillator operation.

AED becomes the unexpected hero in saving tradesman’s life

An Automated External Defibrillator (AED) became the unexpected hero in saving a tradesman’s life following a workplace cardiac arrest. Dylan Holmes, whose fateful decision to work overtime led to a life-altering experience, is grateful for the presence of an AED at his workplace, as it played a pivotal role in his survival. Reflecting on the incident, Mr. Holmes recounted how an ordinary day at an industrial business in Mackay, Queensland, took a terrifying turn when he suddenly suffered a cardiac arrest. The circumstances leading up to his collapse were almost mundane; he had been engaged in conversation with a colleague one moment, only to find himself on the floor gasping for breath the next. Fortunately, his employer, Mick Baker, was on-site when the crisis unfolded. Initially, given the hot weather, they attributed Mr. Holmes’s condition to dehydration. However, their response was swift and potentially life-saving. As they rushed to provide assistance, one of their colleagues fetched the defibrillator. Upon quick assessment, it became evident that Mr. Holmes was not breathing and had no pulse. This marked the critical moment when the AED became instrumental. Nine shocks were administered to Mr. Holmes during the journey from the workshop to the Mackay Base Hospital, which was five kilometers away. Remarkably, despite having had the AED for over a decade, this was the first time it was used at the workplace. Mick Baker emphasized that it was the AED’s timely deployment that saved Mr. Holmes’ life, and he recognized that the incident served as a wake-up call for both their business and others in their industry. The incident prompted a ripple effect, leading to greater awareness and preparedness. Conversations about the presence and accessibility of AEDs in workplaces became common. Managers and employees in various businesses began to inquire about AEDs, with some taking proactive measures to locate and familiarize themselves with the devices. Mr. Baker and Mr. Holmes have taken it upon themselves to share their experience and knowledge to encourage others to invest in AEDs for their workplaces. They recognize that AEDs are not prohibitively expensive, especially when considering the potential to save lives. In Australia and New Zealand, approximately 30,000 individuals experience cardiac arrests annually, as reported by the Queensland Ambulance Service (QAS). Regrettably, the survival rate in such cases is typically low. Every minute without defibrillation decreases the chances of survival by 10 percent. In essence, within ten minutes without access to a defibrillator, a person’s chances of survival diminish significantly. Lachlan Parker, the QAS clinical director, underscores the urgency of having AEDs readily available, stressing that these devices are becoming more affordable, but the value they bring in saving lives is immeasurable. Often, patients who receive prompt defibrillation experience positive outcomes and recover well. Both Mr. Parker and Mr. Baker emphasize that AEDs can make a difference not only for strangers but also for one’s own family. In the case of Dylan Holmes, he was given a second chance at life, allowing him to return home to his family, which is ultimately the most important outcome. While the cost of AEDs can vary, businesses can typically expect to invest a few thousand dollars in acquiring these lifesaving units. However, the peace of mind and the potential to save lives far outweigh the expense. In this day and age, as Mr. Holmes aptly puts it, having an AED in the workplace is a “no-brainer.”

Tragic Loss of Young Footballer Leads to Life-Saving Organ Donation

Tragic Loss of Young Footballer Leads to Life-Saving Organ Donation In a heart-wrenching incident during an Australian rules football game, 20-year-old Antonio Loiacono, a player for Birdwood Football Club, suffered critical injuries in a collision. The horrifying accident occurred in the final quarter of a match against Gumeracha at Gumeracha Oval in the Adelaide Hills, around 8 pm on Saturday night. Despite receiving immediate treatment at the scene and being airlifted to Royal Adelaide Hospital, Antonio was declared brain dead by Sunday afternoon and sadly passed away later that night. In the midst of this devastating loss, a silver lining emerges as Antonio’s 19-year-old brother, Jack, reveals that the young Adelaide tradie’s life will save the lives of at least two others through organ donation. According to Jack, Antonio sustained the fatal injury while going to pick up the ball, facing an intense impact that led to cardiac arrest on the spot. Paramedics managed to revive him, but approximately 24 hours after the incident, Antonio was taken off life support, surrounded by his parents, brother, and girlfriend when he passed away. Despite the immense pain of losing his beloved brother, Jack shares touching memories of Antonio on Facebook, expressing the depth of his grief and love for him. Antonio’s caring and thoughtful nature, coupled with his passion for the sport he loved, left a lasting impact on everyone around him. Amidst the sadness, the family finds solace in knowing that Antonio’s legacy will live on through organ donation. He will be saving the lives of a baby boy and a 19-year-old, providing hope and a second chance to those in need. The Great Southern Football League also pays tribute to Antonio, extending its sincere condolences to his family and friends, recognizing the profound impact such incidents have on the community of football enthusiasts. The league acknowledges the tragic loss of a player in an unfortunate on-field incident, regardless of the level of the game, and stands with Antonio’s family and Birdwood Football Club during this time of unimaginable grief. Source:

Enhancing Diversity in Training Programs for CPR in New South Wales

Enhancing Diversity in Training Programs for CPR in New South Wales New research featured in the BMJ Open has shed light on the need for improved CPR training opportunities in New South Wales (NSW), especially for individuals from culturally diverse backgrounds. The study reveals that performing CPR during a cardiac arrest can significantly increase survival chances, but many Australians born overseas lack the necessary support and access to learn these life-saving skills. Cardiac arrest survival rates outside of hospitals are typically low, hovering around 10 percent. However, when bystanders respond promptly with cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) or use automated external defibrillators (AEDs), the likelihood of survival more than doubles. The research, conducted by the Westmead Applied Research Centre (WARC) at the University of Sydney, focused on the CPR training rates and preparedness among various ethnic communities in NSW, particularly among large and growing migrant groups. The study found that while many people express an interest in learning CPR and using AEDs, not everyone feels confident or equipped to respond in a cardiac emergency. One significant finding was that individuals born overseas showed lower rates of CPR training compared to their Australian-born counterparts. Only 35 percent of those born in South Asia and 48 percent of East Asian-born individuals had received prior CPR training, in contrast to 77 percent of Australian-born participants. Moreover, only one in five respondents had received recent CPR training within the last year, despite the importance of refreshing skills, as highlighted by previous research. According to Sonali Munot, the first author of the study and WARC Project manager, Australian migrants reported a lack of CPR learning opportunities in their countries of origin. Furthermore, the accessibility of linguistically diverse training resources and CPR awareness campaigns in Australia is limited, compounding the issue. Professor Clara Chow, Academic Director of WARC and senior author of the study, pointed out that other factors, such as workplace training and Good Samaritan laws, also contribute to the disparity. Good Samaritan laws in Australia protect individuals acting in good faith while administering CPR from potential legal consequences. Importantly, the research indicated that the lower training rates were not due to a lack of willingness to learn. Across various cultural and socio-economic backgrounds, individuals expressed openness to CPR training if given the opportunity. This highlights the potential for public health campaigns to adapt and customize CPR training modules to increase response rates in culturally diverse communities. In response to the need for accessible resources, some organizations have made CPR and AED training videos available online in multiple languages, including Mandarin, Cantonese, Arabic, and Hindi, among others. The researchers believe that simple initiatives like these can significantly contribute to reducing cardiac arrest-related fatalities in multi-lingual and multi-ethnic communities. Sonali Munot emphasized the importance of raising awareness about the effectiveness of early intervention in CPR. Any attempt, even by untrained individuals, is better than no attempt, especially considering that automated external defibrillators (AEDs) are designed to guide users with voice prompts. The study’s authors stress the need for everyone to be prepared and confident in responding to cardiac emergencies, particularly since three out of four cardiac arrest events occur at home or in private residential locations.

LeBron James’ 18-Year-Old Son Hospitalised After Sudden Cardiac Arrest Incident

LeBron James’ 18-Year-Old Son Hospitalised After Sudden Cardiac Arrest Incident Basketball superstar LeBron James’ 18-year-old son, Bronny James, was rushed to the hospital after experiencing a cardiac arrest during a workout at the University of Southern California. Thankfully, he has been moved out of the ICU and is now in stable condition. According to a spokesperson for the family who spoke with TMZ Sports, the incident occurred while Bronny was practicing, leading medical staff to promptly attend to him and transport him to the hospital. The James family has requested respect and privacy during this time, and further updates will be provided to the media when available. The emergency services received the call at 9.26 am local time and quickly responded to the Galen Centre, where Bronny’s team, the Trojans, trains and plays. Upon arrival, the 18-year-old was found unconscious and received immediate treatment before being taken to the hospital. LeBron James, often regarded as one of the greatest basketball players of all time, has been very supportive of his son’s basketball career. He is often seen in the stands cheering for Bronny, even during the NBA season. LeBron has previously expressed a strong desire to play alongside his son in the NBA before retiring. Despite this dream, broadcaster Stephen A. Smith, an NBA analyst, emphasized that the family’s main concern now is Bronny’s health and well-being. He highlighted LeBron’s reputation as a devoted and loving father, as well as the support and prayers from fellow athletes like Damar Hamlin, Magic Johnson, and Robert Griffin III, who have all sent their best wishes for Bronny’s recovery. As of now, the exact cause of the cardiac arrest remains unknown, but the hope is that the medical team will swiftly identify and address it to ensure Bronny’s complete recovery. The James family appreciates the dedicated work and commitment of the USC medical and athletic staff in caring for their athletes during this challenging time. Source:

9 year old boy suffers cardiac arrest in Australia

9 year old boy suffers cardiac arrest in Australia   A 9-year-old child is currently in a critical but stable state after being hit by lightning while swimming at a beach south of Sydney. According to New South Wales Ambulance, the child went into cardiac arrest shortly before 5:30 PM on Thursday at Barrack Point in Warilla, near Shellharbur. Surf life savers performed CPR until paramedics arrived and took over, resuscitating the child before transporting him to the Children’s Hospital at Westmead with chest burns. The hospital has reported that the child remains in a critical but stable condition. A local doctor was on the beach at the time of the incident and quickly jumped in to assist the paramedics with CPR. The ambulance officers continued resuscitation on the young boy and were able to revive his heartbeat and breathing. A helicopter was dispatched to rush the child to the hospital, but due to severe weather conditions, including lightning strikes and heavy rain, an airlift was not possible. The child was instead transported by an intensive care ambulance to Westmead.

South Australian government pass defibrillator legislation

South Australian government pass defibrillator legislation South Australia is set to pass legislation that will make defibrillators mandatory in all public buildings, including schools, libraries, sports facilities, theatres, and prisons. The bill, introduced by SA-BEST upper house MP Frank Pangallo and supported by the state Labor government, also applies to larger privately-owned buildings such as shopping centres, aged-care and retirement villages, and certain residential apartment buildings. Additionally, all emergency vehicles used by the Metropolitan Fire Service, the Country Fire Service, and the State Emergency Service will be required to have defibrillators. The legislation includes a two-year period for the government to roll out the devices, and a three-year period for the private sector. Those who fail to comply with the laws could face a maximum $20,000 fine. View a breakdown of designated building or facility: (a) a public building or facility; (b) a prescribed sporting facility; (c) a school, tertiary institution or education facility that provides skills training; (d) a correctional institution (within the meaning of the Correctional Services 20 Act 1982) or custodial police station (within the meaning of section 78 of the Summary Offences Act 1953); (e) a retirement village (within the meaning of the Retirement Villages Act 2016); (f) a facility that provides residential care within the meaning of the Aged Care Act 1997 of the Commonwealth; 25 (g) a caravan park; (h) a residential park (within the meaning of the Residential Parks Act 2007) occupied (or that allows for occupation) by more than 12 residents; (i) a casino or other venue where gambling is authorised, other than a venue where the only gambling authorised is the selling and buying of lottery 30 tickets; (j) a theatre or other venue where artistic or cultural performances are provided; (k) without limiting a preceding paragraph or the definition of public building or facility— (i) a class 2 building under the Building Code with more than 10 sole 35 occupancy units (within the meaning of the Building Code); or (ii) a class 5, 6, 7 or 8 building under the Building Code, other than a farm shed or farm building (within the meaning of the Building Code); or (iii) a class 9 building under the Building Code; Automated External Defibrillators (Public Access) Bill 2022 Preliminary—Part 1 LC GP 161-B: Hon Frank Pangallo MLC 5 (l) a building or facility, or class of building or facility, prescribed by the regulations. View the bill here. Source: The Examiner

FRED PA-1 defibrillator saves life in Victoria, Australia: Shock as footy player collapses mid-match

Shock as footy player collapses mid-match A country football club has thanked a team of people who rushed to help a player who collapsed mid-match and was later flown to hospital. Article by Kiel Egging and Brayden May A footballer is recovering in hospital after he suddenly collapsed on the quarter-time siren at a game in Victoria’s west. The Mininera and District Football League reserves match between Caramut and Ararat Eagles was abandoned following the incident at the Caramut Recreation Reserve, about 55km from Hamilton, at 12.40pm. MDFL president Dale Bruns confirmed a Caramut player collapsed and had suffered a suspected heart attack at the ground on William St. Mr Bruns said club volunteers performed CPR and a defibrillator (the FRED PA-1 from Cardiac Defibrillators) was also used before paramedics arrived within 20 minutes. An Ambulance Victoria spokesperson said the man, believed to be in his 50s, was treated at the ground for “a medical condition” and was flown to Geelong Hospital in a serious but stable condition. A spokeswoman for the hospital said the man’s condition had improved to stable on Saturday night. Hamilton highway patrol police officers also rushed to assist at the scene. Earlier, Mr Bruns said the scene was being cleared and a seniors match between the two clubs would proceed in this afternoon. “The players are certainly in shock, there’s no doubt about that, and as these incidents affect people in different ways, we will be supporting them in any way possible,” he said. “We wish the player a full recovery and will offer support to his family as well as the club and volunteers.” As a result of the incident, the decision was made for the teams involved to receive two points each. In a social media post on Sunday afternoon, Caramut thanked people for their support. It was also confirmed the club’s defibrillator was also tested. “We thank everyone who was so quick to help and did such a brilliant job,” the post said. “We also thank the emergency services for their quick response time. “Thank you to the Ararat Eagles and the league for their support and also to all of our club members and supporters.” Earlier this season, the Mininera and District competition made headlines after two senior teams were forced to forfeit as a result of Covid teams. This touches all of us SCHILLER is proud to have once again contributed to saving lives with its easy-to-use equipment. The SCHILLER distributor Cardiac Defibrillators, who equipped the Caramut Football Club with this FRED PA-1 defibrillator, is happy to report this heartwarming story.

Cardiac Arrests are on the rise – what can you do?

Sudden cardiac arrest is one of the leading causes of death in Australia with more than 30,000 cases occurring nationwide each year. We’re still seeing the death rate at over 90%, with current figures increasingly high. In Victoria between July 2019 and June 2020, we saw 6,761 out-of-hospital sudden cardiac arrests, adding even more importance on at home defibrillators. This is the most cases ever recorded for Victoria, with an increase of 3.7%. A total of 76% occurred in private residences. Do we need to say more? So you’re now asking yourself, what can I do? The more individuals provide immediate CPR and defibrillation, the more likely the patient is of surviving. The only way to revive someone from Sudden Cardiac Arrest is defibrillation, CPR will assist until a shock has been administered. What can you do? Learn CPR – Ensure your first aid training is up-to-date, not only for SCA, but for overall public care Purchase a defibrillator – With 76% of SCA’s happening out of hospital, the more devices that are within the community the better. Whether it’s the home, restaurant, sporting ground, workplace and more. The first 10 minutes of SCA are the most important in saving a life.

What is a defibrillator?

What is a defibrillator? A defibrillator is a medical device and is used when a patient is suffering a Sudden Cardiac Arrest. Once the electrode pads are effectively placed on the patient, the device will analyse the heart rhythm to determine if an electrical shock is required. If a shock is required the defibrillator will deliver the shock automatically with a fully automatic model or advise the user to press the shock button with a semi-automatic model.

Why do more people suffer from cardiac arrest during winter months?

Exposing the body to cold causes biological changes that can lead to sudden cardiac arrest. SCA was found to be high during winter months (in the U.S), where between 167-175 people per 100,000 population suffered. The warmer months only saw 131 per 100,000. Studies also conducted in Germany, Korea, China, Finland and UK showed similar results. So, why do more people suffer from cardiac arrest during winter months? There are many reasons, but cold weather exposure increases blood clot formations in the body. Therefore, there is an increase in the red cell count, increases in plasma cholesterol and increases in glycoprotein (fibrinogen) which promoted clot formation. Exposure to cold inhibits the increase in protein C which has a protective effect against clot formation. Source: E Times

Cardiac Arrest deaths are rising

During the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been significantly higher sudden cardiac arrest incidences and lower survival rates in the U.S, according to findings presented at the hybrid Heart Rhythm 2021 meeting. The study compared “sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) incidence and outcomes during the COVID-19 pandemic (March 1 to Dec. 31, 2020) to the corresponding period in 2019 in a U.S. community.” The below is taken from In 2019, there were 314 SCAs in Ventura County (average, 31.4 cases per month; 10-month incidence rate, 36.9 per 100,000 people) compared with 410 in 2020 (average, 41 cases per month, 30% higher than in 2019; 10-month incidence rate, 48.2 per 100,000 people; P < .001). An increase in SCA and COVID-19 also occurred in the area in December 2020. Researchers found that the proportion of SCAs with shockable rhythm declined from 25% in 2019 to 19% in 2020 (P = .05), as did survival to hospital discharge (14.7% to 8.8%; P = .01). There were no differences in proportion of SCAs with witnessed arrest (P = .2), bystander CPR (P = .1) and return of spontaneous circulation (P = .15). “SCA incidence was significantly higher and survival outcomes lower during the COVID-19 pandemic period, with evidence of overlap between the two conditions,” Chugh and colleagues wrote in the abstract. “These findings have implications for community public health and EMS response planning during the pandemic and subsequent outbreaks.”

Should jewellery be removed before using an AED?

We know that it can be a daunting process to use a defibrillator on someone. We receive many questions on how someone needs to prepare to use an AED, and more importantly if the person will hurt them. Should jewellery be removed before using an AED? The quick answer is no. You don’t need to remove any jewellery or piercings from someone suffering from Sudden Cardiac Arrest. Leaving jewellery on will bring no harm to the person.  In fact, taking the time to remove any jewellery or piercings will delay giving the first shock to the victim. It is important to act quickly when using a defibrillator, as the first 10-minutes of SCA are the most important. In saying that, do not place the AED pads directly onto any metallic jewellery. Ensure you adjust the placement of your AED pads if necessary.

What is a defibrillator? All your questions about AEDs answered

what is a defibrillator aed save lives

You may have heard the term ‘defibrillator’, ‘aed’, or ‘automated external defibrillator’ and are wondering, what is it? We address some of the top frequently asked questions about defibrillators and hope to guide you through your education journey! What is a defibrillator? An AED is a medical device and is used when a patient is suffering a Sudden Cardiac Arrest. Once the electrode pads are effectively placed on the patient the device will analyse the heart rhythm to determine if an electrical shock is required. If a shock is required the defibrillator will deliver the shock automatically. (Dependent on your AED model of fully-automatic or semi-automatic). How common is Sudden Cardiac Arrest? (SCA) Over 30,000 Australians suffer from Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) every year. Without defibrillators or CPR, less than 5% survive. Every minute that passes without defibrillation reduces the chance of survival by 10%. How does a defibrillator work? The AED is powered by a battery and once turned on (by opening the lid). The instructions will guide the user to place the electrodes on the patient. Once the electrodes have been effectively placed, the defibrillator will analyse the patient’s heart rhythm to determine if they are suffering a cardiac arrest. If so, the device will deliver energy to the heart muscle to correct the abnormal rhythm back to normal. How is a defibrillator made? An AED is a medical device made up of many technical components by qualified companies under strict guidelines and approvals. Will a defibrillator restart your heart? A defibrillator will deliver energy to a heart that is quivering or not functioning correctly. If the defibrillator upon analysis of the heart, determines a shock is required a controlled pulse of energy is delivered to convert the heart back to normal. Will a defibrillator kill you? No, a defibrillator will only deliver a shock if there is detection of an abnormal heart rhythm that requires defibrillation. If nothing is done, the patient will not survive. How much should I pay for a defibrillator? There are a number of units available from $1,500 to $2,500 however there are a number of differences in the units. The most important is the warranty of the unit, the battery life and the replacement cost. Ensure the unit performs comprehensive self-testing and is easy to use. Our FRED PA-1 defibrillator features a 10 year warranty, 6 year battery life and 3 year electrode life. This AED would be considered as a low cost of ownership due to its longevity and low cost of replacement. The FRED PA-1 is the longest warranty defibrillator in the industry (and Australia). What is the longest warranty on a defibrillator? The Schiller FRED PA-1 has a 10 year warranty and the longest in the industry. When looking to purchase an AED, there may be lower cost AED’s on the market, but their warranties and battery/electrode lives will reflect this. Ensure your research your defibrillator before purchasing. I can’t afford an upfront cost, can I pay in instalments? Cardiac Defibrillators offer an Interest Free Payment Plan for anyone and everyone. Whether you’re a business or buying for personal reasons, we’ve tried to make AED’s accessible to as many people as possible. This budget-friendly option means there is no better time to get an AED for your facility, add more AED units or upgrade your old unit. The program ensures that your business, workplace, school or club will be equipped with the latest AED model (FRED PA-1) and removes the worry of needing to maintain the device. Where to buy a defibrillator? There are a number of providers of defibrillators, however the best supplier is one who is directly representing the manufacturer of the unit, not just a reseller. Who can use a defibrillator? Anyone can use a defibrillator as they cannot be used inappropriately. All the user needs to do is place a pair of electrodes on the bare chest of a patient. Are defibrillators dangerous? As defibrillators cannot be used inappropriately they are not dangerous. Are defibrillators painful? No, as the patient is unconscious and not breathing they would not remember or feel any pain and they require a controlled pulse of energy to the heart muscle in order to survive. What is the best defibrillator to buy? The FRED PA-1 AED is the best unit as it has an industry-leading 10-year warranty, 6-year battery life and 3-year life for the electrodes. It performs comprehensive self-testing of the critical components and is extremely easy to use and maintain. When is a defibrillator used? An AED is used when a patient is suffering a sudden cardiac arrest (unconscious and not breathing). When is a defibrillator needed? An AED is needed when a patient suffers a sudden cardiac arrest and is the only definitive treatment in order for the patient to survive.

Cardiac Science is now Cardiac Defibrillators

We are proud to announce that our brand name and corporate identity has changed from Cardiac Science to Cardiac Defibrillators. This change has come with a pursuit to stay more relevant and innovative across our industry, and with our current and prospective customers. Customers will now see the new Cardiac Defibrillators name and branding across our emails, brochures, social media platforms and other marketing material. While our business name and logo have changed, please be assured that we are the same people who will continue to supply the same reliable AEDs. If you own a Cardiac Science Powerheart AED, we are still your main point of call for all accessory orders and AED registrations. We would like to take this opportunity to thank all of our customers for their continued support. Our company looks forward to assisting both current and prospective customers with all their  AED needs under our new name.

AED Maintenance

Owning a defibrillator is one thing; ensuring it’s maintained and rescue-ready is another. Check that your FRED PA-1 AED is functioning properly by following these 3 easy steps! Step 1 – Ensure the green main status LED is flashing. Step 2 – Check the expiration date of the electrodes. The expiry date will be on the front of your AED device. Step 3 – Check if you have any red blinking LEDs. If any of the Modem, Battery, Service or Electrode lights are flashing, they are due for replacement or service.

DRSABCD And Defibrillators

  DRSABCD  The DRSABCD Action Plan is a vital guide to treating a patient in a life-threatening condition. It is an action plan used extensively by St John Ambulance DRSABCD, Surf Life Saving and by many schools, university, sporting clubs, corporate office and on-site workplaces. The action plan is extensively taught as part of Surf Life Saving Advanced Resuscitation program because incidents such as downings can cause cardiac arrest. There are estimates of over 30,000 incidents of cardiac arrests per year in Australia. It is calculated that every minute of delay will reduce the chances of survival by 10%. Essentially there is only a 10-minute window to deal with the incident. Receiving the proper training, practice and being fully prepared is essential given the short time frame. Defibrillator Training for DRSABCD Cardiac Defibrillators offers defibrillation training units, so participants of advanced resuscitation techniques can receive end-to-end training of the DRSABCD Action plan. It is perfectly safe to use since the unit does not provide defibrillation therapy, so it is perfect for hands-on training for the defibrillator section of the DRSABCD action program. The defibrillator trainer unit simulates different heart rhythms and gives students the opportunity to apply defibrillation pads, practice AED use, and perform CPR compression on a manikin. The clear, instructive voice and metronome guide the user through the rescue scenario. Reusable training pads enable instructors to provide training for adult and paediatric rescues.   Other Defibrillator Training Resources We have a range of training resources for our defibrillators. View all our resources here. You can download our DRSABCD infographic to hang on the wall or place in the emergency response manual at work.   DRSABCD is an acronym/mnemonic taught on first aid courses to help you have an action plan on how to respond in a medical emergency. It >stands for Danger, Response, Send for help, Airway, Breathing, Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and Defibrillation. If you haven’t already, make sure you do a CPR course – it could mean the vital difference between life and death. Knowing how to respond to the DRSABCD way means you can help keep a person breathing, reduce their pain or help them survive until an ambulance arrives.  Danger: If you find yourself in an emergency situation, you need to ascertain how dangerous it is to you, any bystanders and the injured/ ill person before you try to help. Do not put yourself in harm’s way when going to the assistance of another person. Response: Check to see if the person is conscious. Do they respond when you talk to them, touch their hands or squeeze their shoulder? Communicate by talking to them loudly and gently shake their shoulders (not vigorously). If you do not get a response, the person is unconscious.  Send for help: If you realise that the situation calls for emergency services, your first action should be to send/shout/summon for help. In Australia, the number for all emergency services is triple zero. Dial 000 and answer the questions asked by the operator. Bystanders should leave a clear path/ space around the patient so that emergency services can find their way quickly.   Airway: Can the person breathe? Is the person’s airway clear? An unconscious patient is at risk of airway obstruction due to the tongue falling back. Perform a head tilt-chin lift to open their airway, this can be achieved by opening their mouth and having a look inside. If the person’s mouth is clear, tilt their head gently back (by lifting their chin) and check for breathing. If the person’s mouth is not clear, place the person on their side, open their mouth and clear any obstructions, then tilt the head back and check for breathing.   Breathing: Check for breathing by looking for chest movements (up and down). Listen by putting your ear near to their mouth and nose. Feel for breathing by putting your hand on the lower part of their chest. If the person is unconscious but breathing, turn them onto their side, carefully ensuring that you keep their head, neck, and spine in alignment. Monitor their breathing until you hand over to the ambulance officers. CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation): If the person is unconscious and not breathing, make sure they are flat on their back and then place the heel of one hand in the centre of the person’s chest and your other hand on top. Press down firmly, compressing to one-third of the person’s chest depth. Do this 30 times. Give two breaths. To get the breath in, tilt their head back gently by lifting their chin. Pinch their nostrils closed, place your open mouth firmly over the person’s open mouth and blow firmly into their mouth. Keep going with the 30 compressions and two breaths at the speed of approximately five repeats in two minutes until you hand over to the arriving ambulance officers or another trained person, or until the person you are resuscitating responds. The method for CPR for children under eight years old is similar.   Defibrillator: For an unconscious person who is not breathing, apply an automated external defibrillator (AED), if one is available. Many public places, clubs, and organisations have one, so ask for it. An AED is a machine that delivers an electrical shock to cancel any irregular heartbeat (arrhythmia)and get the normal heartbeat to re-establish itself. Follow the instructions and voice prompts. If the person responds to defibrillation, turn them onto their side and tilt their head to maintain their airway. If the patient is a child, make sure the AED is suitable to use on a minor.    

I Love My Second Chance At Life

A HUMAN chain of life support across a Cheltenham industrial park, linked by three emergency service units and a hospital ward, has saved new mum Samantha Jobe. She was about to start warming up for her workout at Crossfit121, with husband Damien and eight-week-old daughter Makayla looking on, when she collapsed. Mrs Jobe, 32, hadn’t tripped, as gym instructors first thought. Her heart had stopped and she had no pulse. Gym owner Chris Hoganand trainer Tara Smith swung into action, alternating between CPR compressions and breaths, while his wife Maria sprinted to nearby chemical company BASF. It recently bought a defibrillator, and had told other businesses in the Taunton Drive industrial estate. BASF workers Chloe Collins and Jack West ran the device back to the gym, where they successfully shocked Mrs Jobe to regain a pulse. An ambulance crew, fire brigade and a MICA unit arrived within ten minutes. They took over CPR and administered a breathing tube and blood pressure medications, to keep Mrs Jobe stable until she arrived at hospital. MICA paramedic Christine Edney said she feared the worst. “People are considered clinically brain dead after four to five minutes, so it’s really important to have that early access to CPR and defibrillation,” she said. “Any business such as gyms, hospitals, medical centres should have an automatic defibrillator. They’re not costly and they save lives.” Monash Heart cardiologists have not been able to find the cause of Mrs Jobe’s heart-stopping moment, with no family history of heart disease, she has had a defibrillator implanted — and the gym bought one last week. She has been given the all-clear by doctors to return to exercise, her husband and gym staff have imposed a ban for now. “I’m looking forward to getting back to a normal life, driving and exercising, but I’m just waiting for them to be comfortable about it,” she said. “It’s put a lot of things into perspective. They saved my life. I know how lucky I am that I will see Makayla grow up.” Written by Brigid O’Connell – Herald Sun Image: David Caird

Fifteen-year-old basketballer suffers cardiac arrest on court

Measuring almost two-metres tall teenager Josh Simpson looks like nothing could bring him down. But the six-foot-five Melbourne basketballer almost died mid-game six weeks ago when he suffered a cardiac arrest. Josh was running back in defence while playing for the Aberfeldie Jetts and started to feel sick before collapsing. “My vision started closing in black. So I called for a sub and I can’t remember anything after that,” Josh told 9News. Mum Jodie rushed from the sidelines along with other parents and officials to start CPR. Josh was not breathing and had no pulse. “It was pretty terrifying. To see your son laying there lifeless was really hard,” Mrs Simpson said. Off-duty nurse George Fernandes was watching his son play on another court and heard the commotion. He grabbed the stadium’s public defibrillator to administer two shocks to Josh’s chest. “Then his heart started and he came back, and that was the best feeling,” George told 9News. Once Ambulance Victoria paramedics arrived Josh, miraculously, was conscious. His sudden heart failure was caused by hypertrophic cardiomyopathy – a common but potentially deadly condition affecting the ventricles. Now less than two months later, Josh is back on court to shoot a few hoops with team-mates – and to reunite with those who brought him back from the brink. “I want to say thank you to all the people who saved my life,” he said. “The people who came and helped are very brave. Very, very brave.” More Victorians than ever before are surviving cardiac arrest, thanks in part of the use of public defibrillator units. State Health Minister Jenny Mikakos said a record 75 per cent of cardiac arrest patients shocked with a defib machine last financial year survived. That survival rate is up from 65 per cent in the year 2015 to 2016. “Every second counts where there is a cardiac arrest and the fact that we have got more publicly accessible defibrillators in our community now is making a huge amount of difference,” Minister Mikakos told 9News. Ambulance Victoria’s Tony Walker says 90 per cent of cardiac arrest sufferers will not make it – unless CPR or defibrillation is applied. “When people step in and do what they have done in Josh’s case, and others in the community, we are seeing some of the best survival rates in the world,” Mr Walker said. Mrs Simpson is now advocating for more defibrillators on hand in case of emergency. “Every sporting hall should have them. Every school should have them. The community needs to step up. We need to do this,” she told 9News. Josh echoes his mum’s call – but is also focused on getting back to the game he loves. “What runs through my mind is ‘am I going to get back to basketball, am I going to work the hard yards and get to where I need to be in basketball?’”

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Operating in Australia since 1999, Cardiac Defibrillators extends lives by supplying the public and healthcare professionals with life-saving automated external defibrillators (AEDs).

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